Monday, November 14, 2005

Good Weekend!!!

Had a fun weekend this week!!! Friday the boys and I had off for Veteran's Day, Thank you to all the Veterans out there!!!! Especially to Tina, my Dad, Chris, and my late Grandfather!!!! We wouldn't have the freedoms that we enjoy without our military and we are thankful for your service and pray every night for GOD to protect our soldiers!!! Friday we enjoyed a little target shooting, because Anthony needed to get ready for his hunting trip that Papaw wanted to take him on. We thought Anthony was big enough to handle Mamaw's shotgun (22), but it turned out to be a little to heavy for him. So, Papaw went and bought him a new Red Rider BB Gun to use! Yes, the one from the movie, The Christmas Story!!!! And no he didn't shoot his eye out, or any squirrels for that matter. They came home empty handed, but had a ton of fun and will be going again soon
I'm sure! We also celebrated MaKayla's B-day on Friday night at the house, instead of at church, because Mamaw wasn't feeling her best and we wanted to be together as a family for the party!!!! Her two favorite gifts are a Cabbages Patch Doll, named Kayla Leigh, and a Leap Frog Learning Bus. We had fun and we have photos up on the Flickr site for you all to enjoy! Click on any of the photos above to see them!

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