Saturday, October 08, 2005


We wanted to take this time to dedicate a blog for a special man. His name, Rich Jenkins (many of us called him Jenko), on earth from Apr 20, 1963 - Oct 8, 2005. Tina and I only got to know him over the past 5 1/2 years, but it seems like we've known him forever. He and his wife Denise were the kind of people that you just loved and got along with right off the bat. Infact in June of 2000, was when we first met them and they were part of a handful of people we invited to our wedding in December of that year.

Rich loved kids, he took to ours with such an interest he could have been one of their Uncles. He loved Primerica, it was not just what he did, but who he was. A crusader through and through, a true defender of his clients financial future. He wasn't just a crusader for the business he loved but also for Jesus, his Lord and Savior. Infact we are very much thankful for his work in our spiritual salvation. With the combined efferts of him, his wife Denise, close friends Mike & Denise Smith, and Pastor Rod Hawkins we were able to find salvation through Bible Baptist Church in Breinigsville, PA. He would always say in many of his speaches, "When we get to the end the biggest thing that matters is your DASH. The time from when you first open your eyes on this earth to the time you close them for the final time." I can say it for him, and many will echo it, that Rich should and can be proud for his DASH. He lived in the here and now with a strong vision of the future coupled with a positive "Christ Like" heart. There was never a time he wasn't smiling and positive about his life.

So, I end with a challange to all of you who read this, just as he would. What are you doing right now that people will remember and talk about when it is your time to have your DASH explained? If you aren't really focused on that right now that's ok, you can change it, just get moving because we are never going to know when it will be our time. We know the date we were born, but we never will know the date we call home to be with Jesus. One thing that has helped us in dealing with his passing is knowing he is there with Jesus and waiting for us to be called home. And if you don't know Jesus as your personal savior yet please click here and find out how you can be saved, and have him transform your life.

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