On the way home from Old Town Sac. we took a small detour and saw Madagascar. We've been wanting to see this movie for a while now, but never got the chance. This is defeatly a most see for you and your kids, a great movie to take the grand-children too. Just good clean fun and it moves along nicely. Just like the Sherk movies Dreamworks did it again. Putting a movie together that is for kids but entertaining for the parents is such a tall order, but they seem to have the order down. MaKayla was laughing alot through the movie and really didn't lose interest in it at all!!!! A perfect ending to a hot day outside!!!!
Hi Boys & Makayla
Miss you lots. I didn't see this yet but we are going to go soon. I went to the carnival and won a Madagascar poster and the Hippo!! all by myself. talk to you soon Love Sky
Hi Sky,
Great job on winning the poster & hippo. Let me know when you see the movie. I love you.
Hi Sky,
Great to hear from you. Nice job on winning the Madagascar poster & hippo. How are you there? I'm fine here, but I miss you a whole lot. Love you bye.
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