Tuesday, July 19, 2005


The Saturday of July 9th, 2005 Dad says we are going to do some SERIOUS fishing, so I said ok. We set off at about 9am with the boat and headed for the Feather River. We did some shopping for live bait first so we didn't get to the river and launch the boat until about 10:30am. He first took me on a tour up stream ("That way if the engine breaks we can float back to the can", he said) to the falls. We put our poles in the water around 11:30am, in a well known catfish hole. All we got was our bait taken. So we decided around 1pm we would float down stream and do so drive-byes, using so crank baits and spinners hoping for some small mouth bass action. All we came up with though was a junk fish, that Dad didn't even know what it was. So, we get the call we've been waiting for!! Dad friend Dave calls and we set up to meet him back at the house. When we get back we rearrange everything and head to the Sacramento River, on the way getting bait again; this time chicken livers. We launch the boat and get to a good catfish hole around 5:30pm. Not long after being there Dad says, "Fish On", which became our theme for the day. He pulls in a 18" Striper (a type of Bass) with chicken liver for bait; that's not what you usually catch Striper on, but he did. So, he reties his bait and 10 mins. later, Dad says, "Fish On!!!!!" This time he said it wasn't as hard to reel it in, just heavy (Striper like to swim back and forth). Heavy alright this 5lb Catfish filled our net (I think we need a bigger net), we were excited. Then, no more bites, and I kept getting snagged and losing everything I had on (we were set up with a good size hook, a 1.5oz egg sinker, and the chicken liver). So we moved, next Dave said, "Fish On!!!!" He reels in a 2lb. Catfish. By this time it's getting dark 8pm, so we head back to the boat lauch area. Right next to it there is a damn release, so we parked by there in hopes I would get my fish here. Well same story for me as all day, kept losing everything, but now it was dark. So, I tied everything on one last time at about 10pm, then it was my turn, FISH ON!!! I reeled is a 1-1.5lb Catfish and was happier then anything. The good Lord blessed us on that day!!!!!! We ended the trip with cleaning the fish at home and got to bed around 1am.

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