Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Wild

We got a chance to see this on Monday after Anthony's Dr. appointment. A great movie for everyone! I thought it would be close to Madagascar, but I was wrong. Way better as far as the messages it sends out and animation, but about just as funny if not a little more!!!! It was a time we were able to spend together as a family and enjoy laughing together. We needed it because we have a tough 6 weeks ahead of us, with Ant being in walking casts! So, as far as a must see in the movie theater, it is not one of those movies! But, it is one that will have a spot in our collection as far as DVDs go!!! Next movie will most likely be X-men III as we are taking care of our finances and need to focus there right now. We will catch up to the movies we want to see once they hit the rental shelf!!!!

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