Friday, November 04, 2005

First Appointment Set!!!

Earlier in the week I got a chance to call a driver from Tina's Dad's work and talk to him about the business. Dad had pre-empted the call very well and I really didn't have to say much. I just had to explain enough of what I do on my appointments for him to understand what we do and more importantly find out what he was looking for. This is just a presentation appointment so he can get to know me and see how we positively impact families. Then we will be setting a Data Collection appointment, where I'll get to actually help them in their areas of interest. I'm just excited I get a chance to sit down with someone and share the business with them again. It has been about a year since my last appointment, I feel alittle like I did on my first appointment, but know I have a heavy knowledge base behind me! It is set for Wed. 11/9/2005, so mark that date down, because I'm not looking back from here on! Nothing but work from here on out, and I won't be looking up until I reach RVP!!!!

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