Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Busy Weekend!

Tina & I had a long weekend with MLK day, and we put a lot of our time to good use! Sat. , after helping Tina with the kennels, I had time to catch up on folding and putting away clothing, while watching the Seahawks win. Sunday we got surprised by Grandma & Grandpa Souza showing up and visiting with us, for Mamaw's birthday! We celebrated that in the morning and then got busy on putting our "Jesus Tree" down. We had a small tree in the window of the kitchen this year and put all of our spiritual ornaments on it! Then we went outside and got power hooked up to our trailer! Monday we started out over at the kennels again and then got the water hooked up to the trailer! We also got a chance to clean up from storm damage we had in the last month, and tried to get our propane working, but ran into a snag. We should have that fixed by the end of the week. We also found out that Tina will be starting her job next Monday! Hope everyone else had a productive weekend like we did!

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