Monday, December 12, 2005

The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe

We were able to go see this this week for Christopher's Birthday, which made him really excited! When we got there to see it at 7pm we were in for a surprise as it was sold out until 9:45pm. So we decided to get the tickets and do the shopping we had planned to do after the movie; though we were going to do it without the kids we firgured we usually shop for them when they are with us and they never notice, so why this time too. We just had them stand somewhere else when we were checking out, so they would see things going in to bags! It worked, cause today Ant asked if we could go shopping for Christophers B-day and I told him we did it last night! He was pretty surprised! We were done and back at the theater around 9pm. The movie is done very well, but if your looking for a action packed in your face type of movie DON"T GO! This movie follows the previous ones and the books very closely. So if you've seen those, your in for a boring ride, since you know what is coming next! But, if you looking to go see it for the graphics, or for your kids, do it! Ours loved it & they all stayed awake, more then I can say for Tina! The graphics are the best I've seen by Disney yet; outside the Pirates of the Caribbean! Oh there is a great trailer of the Pirates of the Caribbean: A Dead Man's Chest before the movie as well! So, there's our advice for this movie. Hope you don't mind that I don't go all out on telling the story on our reviews, but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone!

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