Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hospital Interview!

Tina got a call alittle after lunch about a job she applied for over the internet at Fremont-Rideout Hospital, here in Marysville! This was the third job she put in for in as many months. When the lady was talking to her on the phone, it sounded like she was going to hire her right from the call. But, she decided to set up an interview for her this Thursday! So, thank you for keeping us in your prayors, it looks like she may be starting before Christmas! The position is for a Medical Records Admission Clerk and is from 2pm-11pm. This is something different then what Tina wanted to do, but right now she is happy to get her foot in the door with a hospital. They have a scholarship program for people who want to move up, just like LVH did!!!!!

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