Monday, October 03, 2005

Into the Blue

Saturday Tina and I had a date night by going down to Sacramento and catching this movie. We felt it was a good movie, but not what we expected. This is definitely not for the kids, mainly because of a few scenes that were pretty graphic. We enjoyed the night out and it is a good movie for that. But it would also be a good one to wait on and rent. Not that great as far as a must see in the theater. The acting was good, but these actors & actresses are young and will improve. We heard Jessica Alba was tricked into believing she would be in a wet suit and was made to were a swim suit that hardly had anything to it. We heard she has in her contract that she won't do any nude scenes! Good for her, I think more ladies should stand up for themselves like that! If you're interested in the movie check out the trailer before going (to give you a better idea) by clicking on the picture.

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