Monday, September 19, 2005

I Am From

By: Anthony Esterly

I am from a place
Where there are wide open spaces,
Where it is quiet,
Where all you can here is the breeze,
And where my neighbor cuts his grass every Friday.

I am from a place
Where there is an album of favorite relatives,
Where Ma Maw says your eyes are bigger than your stomach,
Where I play football with my brother every Saturday,
And where I play with my dog Dakota.

I am from a place
Where there are workers working behind our trailer,
Where my dog barks at her toy,
Where my sister screams my ears off,
And where I have the best time.
I love the place where I am from.


Scott, Tina & the CA Clan said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. It is really great to hear his work. It sounds like he adjusted well and really loves where he is. That’s wonderful. Keep up the good work Ant. I can’t wait to hear the next one. Love you. Aunt April

Scott, Tina & the CA Clan said...

That was beautiful

Kathleen O'Leary, West Sac.

Scott, Tina & the CA Clan said...

Very nice! got talent

Ed Healy, West Sac.

Scott, Tina & the CA Clan said...

Very good poem.

Jay Davidson, West Sac.

Scott, Tina & the CA Clan said...

You can see he enjoys himself here, the move was the right decision. Great job.

Dereck Goodwin, West Sac.