Tuesday, August 02, 2005

New addition to the family!!!!

Welcome to the family Dakota!!!! She came to us from a neighbor that found her running around his house. We think she is a part Healer and from the hair and body size part Pitbull, but we aren't sure on that. She is still very young, somewhere in the 3-6 month range. Very obedient to us and the kids. She even listens to Makayla. We have to keep her outside until we get the fifth wheel, so we make sure everyday we keep her water full and food full, along with playing with her. She fetches balls and brings them back real well. And she is a great watch dog, if she hasn't seen you before or offen, she lets everyone know!!! She has worked her way into our hearts quickly. We also have a kitten that Tina and MaKayla are going to take care of. MaKayla named her Princess Meow Kitty, that's what we get for letting a 2 1/2 year old name the cat. She is a cute little thing and is proving to be a better match for us then Taz was, I'm sure most of you remember that Godzilla cat.

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