Monday, August 29, 2005

Found Our New Church!!!!

This weekend we got a lot done! Sat. we switched couches in our trailer because the bed in it was broken. Also Tina fixed a few things, like the one of the shades she had to restring and our screen door wouldn't stay open, so she took a cabinet latch and customized it to work! She did a great job!!! I also moved our movie case out, in hopes of getting in there soon. The electric will cost $2000, to get it all wired and stuff for what Dad wants, so we will owe a portion of that to him, since he is getting other things done then just our hook ups. Then Sun. we made it to a church we've been meaning to visit and loved it, and the Pastor wasn't even there because his oldest was off to college!!! We felt really welcome and the kids liked it too. They have Sunday morning serves and evening (like HBC) and Thursday mid-week serves, instead of Wednesday. We feel it is a great place to grow in our faith and though it has the room like our church in PA it is lacking in members, only about 100-150 if that. So it looks like we can help the church grow quite a bit! We had a great weekend, and hope you did too, miss you all!!

Brothers Grimm

This movie was kind of strange, in that it has a few fairy tales rapped together. But it is definitely not one for the kids!! You might have thought so by the first sentence, but we didn't take our kids and we are glad we made the right decision. We think they might have got scared of the special effects. Has witches, werewolf, and a psycho French General in it. It has a lot of humor in it, but it is geared towards the adult; at least that is how we feel. For the most part it has great special effects, except for one part near the end of the movie, and it was really bad. Your call on going the theater or waiting to rent it though, we enjoyed it in the theater!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

May God watch over his Family!!!


We got a chance to see this yesterday afternoon. We took a break from working around the house all weekend to see this with the kids. It was a funny movie, but not as good as I was hoping. Mainly for the younger kids (10 and under), so ours enjoyed it, but at some parts it was very slow moving and boring. Not real interesting for us parents, though it had a great underlying message about not listening to negative people and follow your dreams no matter what!!! I would wait to rent/buy it on dvd!!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Birthday Idea!!!!!!!

Here's all I would like for my Birthday this year. I'm posting this because it goes on sale in October of this year and I would like to get it early to take advantage of a great deal. Everthing you see in the picture is included in the box for the unit, for $299.00 you can't beat it even waiting a few years. I did that with the first XBOX and only paid $150-$199, but had to buy the remote seperately. So, please consider this over the next month and I will let you know when it is going to be available to buy. The latest news I've heard is Nov 05. What ever you can send me will help out, from $20-$100, doesn't matter to me. But, this is pretty much the only thing I can give you as an idea for my birthday.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Fantasy League is Set!!!!!!

League Name: E.A.G.L.E.S. EAGLES
League Type: Public
Description: Any & All Welcome Especially Eagles Fans
Draft Date: August 08/31/05, 3:15 PM ET
Draft Style: Live Draft
Created by: Scott Esterly
Current Members (12):
Scott Esterly: FORMASTIC
Chris Ingram: For who,for what?
Don Miller: Eagles
Dereck Gman: mud dogs
Austin Tacker: Dynastycurt
Koffke: bull dogs
Andy Trejo: G-unit
Kevin Kohr: Behemoths
Lavelle Young: phila birds
Mike Esterly: Tigers
Chris McLaughlin: OIFPatriots
Jacob Curry: War Eagles

Monday, August 08, 2005

$$$$ spending weekend!

Saturday was pretty exciting, and we accomplished a ton of things as well. We set up with Mike (the former owner of the trailer) to help him move out of the trailer, and also set up with Don (someone that had a truck big enough to pull it home for us) to pull it home for us, all in the sameday!!!! We got there around 10am which was already late, and found Mike still packing. We loaded what he pack that morning in about 5 min. and it filled half of Mom's full size truck bed!!! So then we just started to help him by unloading the storage areas under the house, checking with him at what to keep, chuck, and what went with the trailer. It took 3 trips; the first Tina stayed to pack more in boxes, the second (now 3:30pm) Tina left in the Jimmy to lead Don to the house and get the trailer placed in the correct spot. And the last was after we clean the camp site up where he was living (KOA) and that was around 6:30pm.
We also got the new A/C unit for the trailer on the way home, from where he had it stored. We got home around 8-9:00pm and just felt tired. Mike also gave is a decent patio set that he had, I think as a thank you for helping him move. He did have friends set up to help him, from the moving industry, but they flaked on him. We are just happy that we got such a good deal on this and really think it will help us get along with everyone better, release the tension!!! Now as for when we'll be ready to live in it, hopefully by the end of the month. We have to get the water and electricity hooked up to it yet.
Sunday was spent cleaning and unpacking all of the kitchen boxes we had stored away all this time. It was fun just seeing our stuff again. We'll just spend the next couple of weeks working on it and getting it set up for us to live in. That way all we have to take in are our clothing and entertainment stuff!!!!

Friday, August 05, 2005


Here it is, Football time!!!! If you guys want to use this for your football pool just click on it and print it out. I'll even help you run it by posting the results of the games here every week. And you can let me know the winner and the pot size, and I'll post that as well. Then it will give us a record to go back to, when we need it. Hope you guys have luck getting people involved. I'm going to try it out here, but we already have one worked into the computer system, so I don't know how it will go over. Get back to me about this, please.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Snake vs Kangaroo: Who is the bigger animal of the food chain?

Get this in an email, and just had to share with you. It can in as a Powerpoint file and some of you may not have the ability to open it, so I posted it here!!!!

"Buuuuurrrrrrppppppp, and that's the sign that the tank is full!!!!"

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Sawyer Brown's Gift from God

I saw this today and wanted to post it for all you to read. Just shows how God works and the patience you most have if you're going to let him lead your life. I heard about this on the radio and the also said that Dean Chance is in his 60s. I put a link on here if you want to see the video too. If the video is messing up you may have to change the video quality to 56k or 100k. The "Mission Temple Firework stand" is a good song too. We will be getting this CD when it comes out this month.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

New addition to the family!!!!

Welcome to the family Dakota!!!! She came to us from a neighbor that found her running around his house. We think she is a part Healer and from the hair and body size part Pitbull, but we aren't sure on that. She is still very young, somewhere in the 3-6 month range. Very obedient to us and the kids. She even listens to Makayla. We have to keep her outside until we get the fifth wheel, so we make sure everyday we keep her water full and food full, along with playing with her. She fetches balls and brings them back real well. And she is a great watch dog, if she hasn't seen you before or offen, she lets everyone know!!! She has worked her way into our hearts quickly. We also have a kitten that Tina and MaKayla are going to take care of. MaKayla named her Princess Meow Kitty, that's what we get for letting a 2 1/2 year old name the cat. She is a cute little thing and is proving to be a better match for us then Taz was, I'm sure most of you remember that Godzilla cat.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Fun In The Sun!!!

Sat. we started out by cutting the grass at the kennels and finished with plenty of time to play. So, we decided to set up the Slip & Slide for the boys & MaKayla. After about an hour of non-stop splashing some of the boys friends came over, Cody and Tyler (brothers, about the same age as the boys 8 and 4). Now they started in and man did we have fun. I wish we could have had Sky there too, her and MaKayla would have had a blast. Potty update: we almost go it down, there at great days and then good days, but she goes on the potty everyday now. Sometimes I think we are busy doing stuff and foget to ask her, but she has it down good enough where if we are out in a store she asks to go, it is harder for her at home do to all her toys, tv, and nap time. She gets so up set with herself, when she goes in her pull-ups. We've had successful panty days, where she's made it through a whole day with panties on, she gets so excited. Thank you for helping us, Sky what you did for her was a real help. Enjoy the pictures.

The Island

On Sat. after our slip & slide event we decided to take the boys and their friends Cody & Tyler to see "The Island." We were looking forward to the movie because of Ewan McGregor, who played Obi-won in the Star Wars films. The actress ( Scarlett Johansson ) that played along side him has only been in a bunch of movies and only one other that we've saw was, In Good Company (2004), and she did a great job. The movie is great and keeps you on the edge of your seat with all of the action. You get a break here and there for you to sip you soda, but it's right back to the action again. Of course there is a little lead in of about 15-30 mins. to explain the background of the story, but once the action starts it's full throttle. The bases of the movie has a strange but believable idea of how people protect themselves against dying in the future. I really don't want to give to much away, if you've seen the previews then that's enough. Go see it, you won't regret it. I explain the movie afterwards to all the boys and they all understood the bad parts of the movie and way the doctor was wrong for what he was doing.


Well done!!!! This movie followed the bases of all of the movies previous to it in my opinion. Let me jog you memory, it started with the Short Circuit (1986)movies for me, and continued with Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001), and just last year I, Robot. I liked these movies, but some people may be getting tired of them, so they may not give a good review for this. It had that background, but an original twist to it. Again very action packed, but it didn't flow as good as it could have. There are some slow and boring parts to it, but all and all the acting, effects, and overall story was done good. If it hadn't been in the drive-in we would have waited to see it on dvd. But it was, so we took the kids and had a great time. It kept MaKayla's interest, for the most part. So, if you want to save some money just wait until the end of the year and rent it, for a nice relaxing night at home.