Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Barn Project

Here are some pictures that the kids took of me and the barn I was fixing up last month for them to play in this winter! I have finished it for now though there are a few more touch ups that need to be done, and the roof needs to be sealed. But we will see if I get a chance to do it this year! I want to take better pictures to show you the progress, but the sun beats me down from work and I haven't got a chance to take any yet! I should be able to get some by next week.
MaKayla also sang for the church with her class and the younger kids in the school at the church and I added those pics. We will have to show you the video next time we see you guys!
Click on the top picture to see them all and the bottom on you will be able to see bigger if you click on it!

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