Monday, August 21, 2006

Back to School

All the kids go to school starting today! Anthony is in 5th grade this year, wow amazing next year he will be half way through school! Christopher is in 3rd grade and MaKayla is going to K4 at our Church Academy! It is our prayer that GOD blesses us enough to get them all into Christian School. We know it would do them so much good in finding what it is GOD put them on earth here to do! Plus at BBCA they have the "BECKA system" which is more advanced then most public schools, and will prepare them for college better! We hope you all enjoy the new pictures that we put up! As usual you can click on the above photo to get to our Flickr site!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

New Music

Wanted to post this to encourage you all to give our music links a visit! We are going through some life changing things to get ourselves closer to our LORD! And you'll see the affects hear as we talk about them and notice things changing on the site as well! Our hope is that you start joining us and letting yourselves be open to change in your lives. We know this has been a change that has been in the works for 2-3 years now, for us, and we are so excited about what GOD is doing in our lives right now! So we don't expect to see you change just like that. But, we do look forward to the possibilities that are out there and that GOD knows all and has a plan for all of us! We just have to live our lives everyday to find out what his plan for us is!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

World Trade Center

This movie came out today and we are looking forward to seeing it! True story of Will Jimeno and John McLoughlin, two Port Authority police officers who rushed into the burning World Trade Center on 9/11 to help rescue people, but became trapped themselves when the tower collapsed. A race against time ensued to free them before their air ran out. And it acts as a reminder for us who might have forgotten about what happened nearly 5 years ago! We will wait til it comes out on DVD and it is one we will be adding to our collection, simply because we lived through this and it changed the way we live so much!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Weekend of breakdowns!!!!

This past weekend we had a bunch of things breakdown! Saturday it started with our Jimmy. The boys and I were on our way down for Training in the Sacramento office and I basically lost 4th gear in the Jimmy. I figured that because the RPMs were coming up with curse control on and I had to turn that off so I would blow the engine and then I couldn't go over 50 MPH! So, I stopped at a AM/PM to get ATF and put in 3 qts. After training same thing, couldn't go over 50, and then about 1 mile from the house, after I pulled off the freeway onto Plumas Arboga, I lost 3rd gear. So, we finished our final stretch going 25 MPH. Thank you lord for letting us make it home. So the 1st photo is the new used car we got on Monday! A 2005 KIA Sedona with 3770 miles on it, almost brand new! Click on the photo to see more pics of the car!

Then Sunday we had a boat trip planned to Orville about 1-2 hours from the house! They had a lot of house boat there, a huge lake; about 6+ miles long and it's a damn as well! We didn't get that many photos of up there because Jeff's boat broke down after giving Anthony his first ride on the raft! We spent most of the time trying to fix it and keeping the kids entertained by swimming in a calm part of the lake! The pic of Jeff and Sara is when we were towing them in with Dad's boat! I got hurt around the same time as the boat braking down, because we were in a rougher part of the lake and the boats were going to bump together so I jumped in to push Jeff's away and hit a step that he has on his motor (it is there to make it easier for people to get in)! I didn't know it was there until after I hit it! So, it was a adventurous weekend and we had some fun, but it wasn't without some trials!