Monday, February 20, 2006

Finding Nemo!!!

WOW!!!! What an excellent show. We were able to take the kids to Finding Nemo show from Disney on Ice on Sunday, and it was great! We went all out on this one, 5th row back from the floor and about 15 rows back from the ice. We have never experienced Disney on Ice before, and we are happy we went! MaKayla was in awe, and a little scared at some parts, with some of the pyrotechnics. But all & all it was a good time. We were able to get them all some souvenirs. MaKayla getting a Nemo hat & cup, and a light up toy of some other characters, the boys got and Bruce light up toy and binoculars and a snorkel. Tina got a stuffed animal "Peach", the Star fish from the tank! They shortened the movie quite a bit, but added in songs and skating and the show lasted about as long as the movie! We are really glad the kids enjoyed themselves, and definitely recommend this to anyone of you that are or were thinking about taking your kids, or yourselves, to see this or any Disney On Ice feature!

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