Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Mark Schultz Across America

One of out favorite christian artists is on a mission right now.

Mark's inspiration to make this 3,500-mile trek came from a visit he and his wife, Kate, made to orphanages in Mexico. In the spring of 2006, they went on a mission trip with The James Fund, a non-profit organization founded by Family Christian Stores, to meet the needs of orphans and widows in distress. Mark's own adoption drew him to explore this ministry. Seeing firsthand the harsh realities for many orphans and realizing that he could have easily been one of the boys in the orphanage, Mark wanted to make a difference. He made a decision to reach out to orphans through active support of The James Fund.Everybody's peddling something…but Mark says, "My wheels are turning to actually get somewhere." And that destination is Mark's cause, helping orphans and widows. "With your help we can do more than make the wheels of my bike turn; together, we can make every turn a momentum-building revolution - motivating others to join us and push this cause further down the road."You can be a strong link in the chain of Mark's bike, a mile marker along the road, urging him forward. You can be a gear helping him maximize his efforts. For more details visit