We got to take a PA trip in June for Oma's 50th & Anthony's 10th Birthday's! We want to thank all of you for the fun we had. It was a busy trip and I don't think we got to see everyone we wanted to, but we got to talk with and spend time with 70-80 of our closes friends and family, and everyone had a hand in making it memorable! We had a lot of time with Mike & April as they were nice enough to have us stay with them for the entire trip. We were in and out visiting people everyday, and they were understanding enough to make us feel right at home doing what we wanted! We can not thank them enough for everything they did for us during our trip, we are truly blessed to have them in our lives as a brother & sister, Uncle & Aunt, and friends!!!! Great job on the house, and achieving
Master Electrician (He got his license during our stay)!
Knoebles Party was Awesome!!! The park did an A++ job on getting it ready for the weekend and the picnic/party happened as planned! It was great seeing most everyone make it out to help us celebrate Mom/Oma's birthday and Anthony's birthday! They really felt special that day and you all had a hand in making the day special for them! Enjoy the photos!!!!