Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cooling Off!!!!

Here it is our first pool! And what a challenge it has been. We are finally able to enjoy it after a few weeks of work. First I had just set it up right on the ground, without leveling it off. So, when it filled up it was oval shared. We took it down, wasting 2800 gal. of water. Then it took about a week of work to get the sand from back in the field and level it out. Once that was done we filled it up again and it was round. Then, we noticed that the ground on the other side of the pump (in the above pic) was wet and not drying. We figured we would just let it go for a while so the kids could swim in it! Then we had a chemical problem and I put to much of one of the chemicals in and made it unsafe to swim in. Tina fixed that mistake and then the pump quit on us. So we had to buy a new on, the pump in the pic above it a better one then the pump that came with the pool. Just this past weekend on Father's Day we figured we would fix the leak we had. So we emptied it again, patched up the hole and filled it back up, and it still leaks; AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Over the Hedge

We went to see this on Monday after getting Anthony's cast off, kind of like closer for us. We when to see the Wild the day he got them on and so I figured why not now that he got them off! It was great, Dreamworks really does a good job on keeping the parents and the kids into the movie! Very funny and a great message, but I would wait until the DVD comes out. We went to the movies for a different reason then just to see this movie. So, that's my short and sweet advice to you on this one. I don't little spoiling the movies for you, that's why I stay away from telling anything about it.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Xmen III: The Last Stand

What a great movie!!!!! We were about to see this on Sunday afternoon and thought it was done very good!!! Though the movie as a whole has a dark atmosphere to it and some things happen that you wouldn't want, it still was very good. I have to revisit the comic books to refresh my memory on the Pheonix Saga, but off the top of my head it was pretty accurate! Definity glad we watched it on the big screen and would erge anyone on the fence to get the ticket and go!!!! I'm staying way from details about the movie so I don't spoil it for anyone. Just get to the theater and see it while you can!!! Oh, I will tell you that I think there will be more movies of the X-men to come!